The AARC Beit Sefer religious school spent a super fun Sunday morning at the Humane Society learning about the Jewish value of taking care of all earth’s creatures. Guided by the Humane Society staff, the students learned about the mission of the Humane Society as well as what it means to be a good caregiver to your animals. Part of the kids service project was to spend time with the animals, reading to them and keeping them company. They took turns in the cat rooms and the dog rooms sitting by the animals cages, calmly reading to them and showing them the pictures. The animals really liked it!
In preparation for this Mitzvah Day, the students baked and sold kosher style dog and cat biscuits to members of the congregation. The students used the proceeds from the sale to give a donation to the Humane Society. Families also brought blankets and towels as a donation to the facility.
It was a lovely morning and such a joy to watch the kids spread their love to all of the creatures at the Huron Valley Humane Society!