AARC whole heartedly made some lemonade out of lemons this summer spending lots of time outdoors together after a long time physically apart during the COVID-19 pandemic. It took a little more planning, but we were able to find ways to congregate safely together to observe Shabbat, celebrate holidays, gather for social events, and religious school. Enjoy the photo blog today, and re-live the lovely times spent outdoors!
Outdoor Shabbat Services
Tashlich at Mallet’s Creek
Annual Summer Picnic
Youth High Holiday Services in the Courtyard of the UU
photo credit: Aaron Jackson
Sukkot at Carole’s Farm on Jennings
Beit Sefer Field Trip to The Farm Sanctuary Animal Rescue
Shavuot Blintz Party!
photo credit: Cara Spindler
If you have some photos you would like to share, send them my way and I will add them to this blog post! Email aarcgillian@gmail.com