We are excited to see Mark, Stacy, Bass & Sappho Dieve back in Ann Arbor from their three year stint in Switzerland. They left in June 2021 just after Bass’ Bar Mitzvah and just as our congregation restarted meeting together outside for services.
Both Stacy and Mark kept up a steady stream of stories of their Swiss adventures on Facebook that included trying to find challah, chocolate gelt and matzah. They particularly missed decent Mexican food. Along the way, they made some significant friendships from local purveyors of cheese, bread, coffee and wine as well as their neighbors and French teacher.
The Dieve’s made their way to Switzerland for Stacy’s job as a Strategic Trade Manager for Cisco while Mark continued his work remotely as a certified herbalist and consultant, check his work out at rootedhealth.com.
They are excited to get back to their home in Ann Arbor and to return to the Jewish community in real life. When you see Bass, ask him about his job and his interest in theater. Sappho is eager to get back to art and learn to play the guitar.
Besides filling up on library books in English and as much guacamole, salsa and tortilla chips as they could eat since returning stateside, Stacy says “we are so happy to be home and very glad to have our Jewish community again.”
Join us in welcoming the Dieve family back to town – do provide them with suggestions of new places to try Mexican food, find decent bread and coffee shops that might provide them with a little European experience. Stacy added, “We already miss being able to walk out of our apartment to the local boulangerie and buvette – the Swiss version of lakeside cafe. But mostly it is the people who make the place – and so we are excited to reconnect with all of our friends at AARC”