Join AARC and the Wider Jewish Community For A Night of Learning at Temple Beth Emeth
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 • 5 Sivan 5784, 8:30 PM – 4:00AM
AARC is very excited to announce that our congregation will be participating in a community wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot gathering. Rabbis from the Ann Arbor and surrounding area will be sharing teachings including our own Rabbi Gabrielle Pescador. There will also be teachings from community members, if you would like to offer a teaching you can sign up by following the QR code on the flier below. The night will be split up into one-hour sessions on a variety of Jewish topics. Kosher refreshments will be served. You can stay as long or as little as you like.
Rav Gavrielle will be offering a teaching during Session 1: Spiritual Mapping in Tanakh. In this session we will explore parallels between the spiritual mapping of Ezekiel’s vision of the Divine Chariot (Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12) and the mapping of the encampment of the tribes of Israel in the desert (Numbers 2:1-34). Participants will be invited to imagine and reflect on how such parallels can inspire and deepen spiritual practice.
Registration is requested below.